5 Arguments to dismantle the Second Vatican Council

A fast analysis of 5 doctrinal errors within the Council, to defend ourselves against modernist attacks

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  1. The Council breaks the continuity of a work begun with Leo XIII

The Popes, from Leo XIII of Pius XII, have carried out an ambitious and almost successful project, of CLOSING the Church against a world that was becoming increasingly secular, atheist and anticlerical. Leo XIII attacked Freemasonry, Pius X reformed the Liturgy and promulgated the Catechism, Benedict XV promulgated the first official Code of Canon Law, Pius XI tried to restore the State-Church relationship, Pius XII tried to condense the work of his predecessors, laid the foundations of a doctrinal council condemning modernism, and of closing the Church to the secularism of the modern world, which had to be carried out not immediately, but had to wait for the Church to be sufficiently empowered.

The Council was instead implemented immediately after the election of John XXIII, and was a pastoral council, in which the Church decided to open up to the world, throwing all the work done by its predecessors. This highlights the self-evident tampering and manipulation of this event.

2) The Council presents “harmless” documents but with very well hidden errors

The Second Vatican Council, in Gaudium et Spes n. 24 states: “… homine, qui in terris sola creature est quam Deus propter seipsam voluerit”… which translated becomes ” the man, who on earth is the only creature that God has wanted for itself “.

Gaudium et spes n. 12: “… omnia quae in terra sunt ad homine, tamquam ad centrum suum et culmen, ordinanda sunt”. which translated becomes “… everything that exists on earth must be referred to man, as in its center and at its summit”.

It should be noted that the focus of attention is on the man, who rises to the center in the conciliar reference system. It is the birth of the anthropocentric Church, the death of the Christocentric one.

Note how the translation in G&S step n.24 has been voluntarily tampered with. In the Italian version of the Apostolic Constitution, seipsam is translated as “himself”, while the Latin meaning is “herself”, therefore referred to humanity and not to God (seipsam is feminine accusative, formed by se-ipsam).

The speech given by Paul VI at the end of the Council is even more serious. In this closing Speech on 7/12/1965, this sentence refers to: “… man dares to call himself the beginning and the reason of every reality … The religion of the God who became man, has met with religion (because such is it) of the man who makes himself God … we too, most of all, are lovers of man … a religion like the catholic, which in its most conscious and effective form, which is the conciliar one, has all declared itself in favor and in the service of man … “.

The eschatological goal of the post-conciliar Church is the ecumenical and pastoral-empirical service of man.

3) The Council forced an embarrassing and unwanted liturgical reform

To attack the Church at its root, it was necessary to change the heart of the Church: Holy Mass. Indirectly, the attack is directed to the sacraments. If the external cult of the Eucharist is modified, the Eucharist is modified, because the semiotic language of the Liturgy is circumscribed for the purpose of the Liturgy.

The modification of the Liturgy is made necessary by the “conciliar fathers”.

Both for reasons of understanding and participation.

Thus, nullifying more than half a century of reforms, from Pius X to Pius XII, Paul VI changes the liturgy. The results are disastrous. We do not stop to analyze the Novus Ordo, because we need a very long treaty in this regard. In the brief critical examination of the Novus Ordo Missæ (which we invite you to read) written by cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci, this is clearly stated. “At the Episcopal Synod, convened in Rome, a judgment was asked about the experimental celebration of a so-called normative mass, conceived by the” Consilium ad exequendam Constitutionem “of the Sacred Liturgy [Committee for the application of the conciliar Constitution on the liturgy]. This mass raised the most serious doubts among those present at the Synod, with strong opposition (43 non placet), many and substantial reservations (62 juxta modum) and 4 abstentions on 187 voters “

Someone understood that the maneuver was forced. From a sick plant, sick fruits will come out. And the fruits of the Novus Ordo are terrible: the Churches are empty, the priests do not follow the Missal, prayers or gestures are invented, and most of the Christian people do not even know what Transubstantiation is. And it is not the fault of the times, no: it is the fault of the Council, which voluntarily destroyed the liturgy (which instead with the Tridentine Rite shines with holiness), closing the doors to the Mass of Pius V and opening the liturgy to the Lutheran rite (from which it draws almost everything).

4) The Council has impoverished the authority of the Church

Paul VI, the pope of brilliant ideas, thought well not only of scaring the Sacred Liturgy, but also of striking the riches of the Church. Thus priests find it possible not to wear cassocks, tricorns and Saturns, but to follow the Lutheran model , with a clergyman (which is the stuff of the Lutherans, not of Catholics, at all), and recently a T-shirt and a pair of trousers. First of all, however, the Pope, who deposes Chirotecas and papal Tiara, and decides to dress with designed sheets and blankets. The signal is clear: the authority of the Church ends here. The Church must open itself to modernity, must dialogue with the world and draw nourishment to breathe, it must stop having primacy, it must stop being powerful. A result of this vision is Bergoglio, who calls himself an anticlerical and who condemns priests to cassock and Saturn, calling them “careerists”. Thank goodness that in 1960 years of the Church, the Popes and the Vatican understood nothing, and dedicated themselves to obscurantism and the cult of career! Long live the learned and wise Council Fathers, liberals and Lutherans.

5) The council has suppressed the Latin, with its effects

All religions have a sacred language. We do not. Not anymore, actually. In the conciliar logic, it is more normal for a rosary to be recited in Fatima in 40 different languages ​​simultaneously, rather than recited in the Latin language, defined as obsolete and extinct. Surely you understand more, here. It’s not true?

In addition to this, the Council prepared the ontological change of prayers. The ‘Ave Maria’, which translates “ventris” with “breast”, deliberately modified and forced to a translation that is not correct and sexually provocative (the meaning is “belly, stomach, uterus“). The acts of Faith, Hope and Charity have radically changed, and remove the final oath “In hac fide / spe / caritate vivere et mori statuo”. Guess why? We do not talk about death anymore, because the goal of the Church is not remind people about death and judgement, but to accomplish is realization as chief of Earth and, why not, of nature and universe. How Silly!

Or: if you wanted to make the Liturgy more understandable, why didn’t Pius V’s Missal simply BE TRANSLATED?

Some progressive catholics will not respond, nailed to the wall. Others may respond that “it was too long anyway”.

But how? Faced with a worship of God, do we care about our time?

In reality, the aim is to suppress vertical worship, to put the world and man at the center, against instead a vision centered on God and God only.

Ecclesia Dei

Ecclesia Dei

Ecclesia Dei

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