Novissimis Diebus [Eng]

Novissimis Diebus [Eng]

St. Paul the Apostle, in ‘Epistola ad Timotheum Secunda’, reminds the future bishop as well as his then disciple that ‘No member of God’s militia gets stuck in the affairs of the century, to please those who enlisted him’ [Caput II, 4 ]. The analogical judgment with the present is inevitable: a strange period of the Catholic Church, where pastors are no longer pastors, because they are corrupted by worldly vices and desires: career desires, concupiscence of anthropotropic aspirations. We try to untie the lexical nodes, to contextualize the big words empirically.

We are in Italy, precisely in San Bartolomeo a Mare (Imperia), where the sea fragrance assists the development of a somewhat strange scenario. The parish priest celebrates the Holy Mass, as communicated by an episcopal provision, without the participation of the ‘people’ (the concept of ‘faithful’ is no longer available, tempora mutantur et nos in illis, remember?). As per disposition, the Church where the celebration takes place remains open. By the way, the faithful enter equally, and follow the Holy Sacrifice. The episcopal order precisely states that:

 “The Ligurian Bishops, by reason of the ordinance issued by the President of the Liguria Region, in consultation with the Government, have the following provisions regarding the regional territory:

1. That the churches remain open.

2. The suspension of the Eucharistic celebrations with a people’s contest starting from midnight on Sunday 23 February until midnight on Sunday 1 March (terms provided for in the regional ordinance).

“At the door of the Church” – the parish priest writes – “there is a ban posted. I noticed, however, that the faithful come in to pray much more than before during the opening hours […] moreover in these moments we take refuge in prayer “. How to contradict it? As trivial and logical as to say that the water is wet. Except that bishop Guglielmo Borghetti clumsily intervenes, who thunders: “In a diocese of anarchist priests it is the minimum […]”. The mass celebrated is in the Ancient Rite. This summer, by the way, I went personally to the Church of S. Giovanni Battista in Cervo (adjacent to S.Bartolomeo), being present there for holiday reasons. After the Mass, I asked the priest where it was possible to attend this Tridentine mass. The priest, with Carontic eyes and suddenly angry, replied: “I don’t know and I don’t care, I hope they just close it … they are anarchists, they do what they want, against the provisions of the Motu Proprio.” Now, I do not care about the words of the bishop, completely irrelevant because professed with reason of insult and contempt. What annoys is the contemptuous tone, devoid of respect and implying an accusation and to the priest and the faithful. A constant of post-conciliarism: loquimini nobis placentia, do not come to annoy us with that mass, which gave birth to plenty of Saints, or we denigrate you with any available resources. The problem of the virus makes it clear that these bishops trust man prematurely, and refuse the presence, even before the help, of Heaven. These bishops are part of the physical body of the Church, they do not want to know about the spiritual body: it is better to trust in the secularist state than in God’s grace. Thus, while during the medieval plague the priests and bishops went out in procession and intensified the celebrations (and it was the plague on the spot, not an influence not on the spot, being S. Bartolomeo a place distant from any outbreak of the virus). Here even all forms of worship are removed, all crowned with ambiguous and amusing indications, and with the content of the ‘television masses’. What Borghetti doesn’t understand is the very definition of anarchy: an anarchist is a person who, having lost all faith in authority, takes refuge in himself. If anarchy exists, there are two cases: either the anarchists are wrong, or the leaders are wrong. The ‘anarchist’ faithful and priests feel the need for the sacred, the Eucharist and prayer, because they need Christ to overcome adversity. And throughout the history of the Church, authentic bishops have always responded against the fear of worldly secularism, going against the dispositions of stubborn and presumptuous man. Trusting in today’s world is an incorrect attitude, because it has, at its disposal, rejected Christ. So who is right? Anarchists or pastors? While the rationalists, men of the world and the well-thinking, closed in bunkers and in the cellar during the allied bombings in Italy, His Holiness Pius XII went with the people to the city to pray, exposing himself to the risk of blowing up due to the bombing. And surely he will have intensified the Holy Masses! Pacelli was courageous, he knew for sure who God was and what He is actually capable of. While priests and faithful pray and entrust themselves to Christ, today the bishops close themselves in their luxurious buildings, launching anathemas and detaching themselves from the forms of worship, trusting in the same state that rejected Catholicism and that wants ‘Free Church in a Free State’ . The problem is not the Coronavirus: the problem is that the bishops do not understand Catholicism, because they are overflowing with wines of philosophical modern church, rigorously false and disgusting. These bishops are made of clay. And luckily they could practice exorcisms: we imagine the fear of demons in meeting those who, out of fear of a pneumonia virus, forbid all forms of public worship. Since, finally, you will not give us Mass, neither you nor the bishops of the other blocked regions, at least we ask you to remain in religious silence, and to respect those who worship God. Instead of being committed to denying the possibility out of fear of an influence and of receiving criticism from the political authorities, who left the crucifix in the cellar and build golden idols to progress and humanism, which rejects God in everything. These bishops are afraid, because the faithful have understood that they are no longer apostles, and they no longer listen to them: that it is an opportunity for them to evaluate the clinical picture of the episcopal ministry, perhaps lost and having reached a worrying state.

Fera qui plurimum latrat, per raro mordet

Ecclesia Dei
Edoardo Consonni

Edoardo Consonni

Vice-direttore di Ecclesia Dei, ha conseguito il diploma presso il liceo scientifico “Blaise Pascal” di Busto Arsizio. Dottore in Fisica, ha completato gli studi per diventare dottore magistrale presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano.
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